
ELB Services
We provide a wide range of consulting services aimed at organizations that are seeking to transform overall performance through improved effectiveness, adoption of new capabilities, acquiring new businesses or redesigning their organization.

Strategy Development/Review

The success or failure of an organization often hinges on the quality of its strategies and the alignment of those strategies to operating priorities. ELB Consulting will help you identify strategic advantages, weaknesses and gaps in alignment. Emphasis is placed on focusing the organization on a select few strategic imperatives, driving acceptance and adoption throughout the organization to deliver improved results.

System Integration and Implementation

Major system implementations often place extreme stress on an organization. Poorly executed implementations can be disruptive and adversely impact business performance. While technical design is a critical success factor, the quality of the actual implementation will often dictate overall project success. Building acceptance, creating an effective execution plan and integrating activities across the organization are keys to a successful implementation.

Core team members have extensive experience. They led the design and implementation for two major SAP implementations, guided several system upgrades, coordinated the integration of multiple acquisitions, and led the execution of business unit spin-offs. The team is battle tested and poised having weathered numerous challenges that come with this territory.

Change Management

A common cause for under-delivery of key business initiatives is the lack of organizational preparedness. A well planned and effectively executed change management strategy will build acceptance and organizational alignment that will accelerate achievement of expected business results. Conversely, a lack of preparedness can undermine even the most robust strategy. ELB Consulting has vast experience leading major change initiatives and can support your organization through strategy development, planning and execution of your change management plan.

Organizational Effectiveness

The competitive landscape requires that your organization is delivering to its fullest potential. Are you satisfied with results? Or, do you feel that you are leaving something on the table? We can help you identify areas of opportunity to improve efficiency and effectiveness.

Too often, organizational design exercises resort to moving boxes on the org chart and realigning relationships in the hope that this will result in improved performance. This approach rarely works. We will work with you to understand your goals and expectations. We will then assess your teams’ capacity and capability to deliver against those expectations. We will work with your leaders to eliminate redundant and unnecessary work activities while designing more efficient approaches to delivering critical work. The result will be a high performing team focused on delivery of strategic imperatives.

Program Management

Effective Program Management can ensure consistent execution of best practices and processes. The size and scope of your Program Management framework is highly dependent on your strategy. You may choose to deploy a Program Management structure to deal with a specific transformational initiative or you may choose to incorporate a Program Management organization into your broader corporate structure.

ELB Consulting can assist in designing and implementing a Program Management structure that best suits your needs. If you seek a low-cost execution model driven by consistent project management delivery and well controlled processes, then a more centralized approach may serve you well. If, on the other hand, your strategy calls for a distributed approach to managing projects, portfolios and cost then a decentralized model may be a better fit. ELB Consulting can assist you in assessing which model works best for you and will work with you to develop a Program Management structure that meets your needs.

Risk Management

All organizations deal with risk. One factor that separates great organizations from the rest is the ability to identify, prevent and mitigate risk. ELB Consulting has developed and delivered risk mitigation models for a number of large initiatives. We can help you develop a standard toolkit to enable your organization to quickly recognize risk then take action to develop prevention measures and contingency plans to ensure that risks are contained and neutralized.

Mergers, Acquisitions and Divestitures

Resizing a Business requires the seamless execution of complex transactions that can otherwise upend a well-constructed deal. ELB Consulting has extensive experience executing mergers, acquisitions and divestitures, leveraging tools and processes that identify critical tasks and activities. Additionally, we will assist you in constructing a milestone plan that highlights cross-functional integration requirements and critical path timelines. Moreover, ELB Consulting will utilize other core competencies in the areas of Change Management, Risk Mitigation and Program Management to ensure a successful transition.

Project Management

Every major change initiative requires a well constructed project plan and effective coordination of activities. While most teams assume that they can create and execute plans, many fail to appreciate the importance of effective project management. ELB Consulting has experience in developing, coordinating and executing project plans in a manner that ensures success.

If you are in need of project management support, ELB Consulting will provide expertise and insight into how to effectively execute your project.

Ready to get started?

If you’re interested in learning more about what we have to offer and how we can help your company achieve improved business performance, visit our contact page to get in touch.